
New Patrols!


Exciting news: At the last Troop meeting, Damian announced new patrols. He and the Patrol Leaders wanted to make the patrols more balanced so that each patrol had a good chance to win the Patrol Cup and so that each patrol has enough campers on most trips. They used the feedback from the surveys, and I think they did a great job.

If you weren’t at Monday’s meeting, you can find your new Patrol below. If you’re *really* unhappy with your new patrol, come and talk to me and/or Damian and/or Sam (new SPL). But if possible I would really prefer if we try out the new Patrols for a couple months before we start to make changes.

Also, the patrols could have kept the same names, but as you see below they chose new ones. I’ll miss the old Patrol names, but the new ones are just as unique and definitely represent 682! The new names will also give you a chance to design new patrol flags and neckerchief slides and redecorate your patrol boxes. And we’ll need to update the t-shirt design too. If you have ideas, be sure to talk to your Patrol Leader!

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving Holiday, and will see you at the Court of Honor on the 26th.

Mr Dickson


Name of the new patrols are:

  • Draconic Dungeoneers
  • Dutch Oven Patrol
  • Panda Patrol