
Upcoming activities, gear exchange, and much more

Troop 682,winter_scouts

Fall is here, winter  is close (does San Diego really have a winter?) but your troop is still busy.  Take a look at the attached schedule and get yourself signed up!

  • November 30 – Our regular Monday  meeting will be spent helping Webelos Scout build rockets. With points 3 and 4 of the Scout Law you will show them why they should choose to join your Troop 682.
  • December 5 – *Mandatory* Distribute fliers about our annual fundraiser.
  • December 13 – Rocket shooting with DART rocketry at Fiesta Island. (Space may be limited!) Build a rocket and launch it. Also introduce yourself to some Webelos Scouts who are considering our Troop.
  • December 12 – Service opportunity at the Poway Holiday celebration at Old Poway Park. (Contact Mr Dickson or Service Coordinator Owen Page for more information)
  • December 24 – Put out Luminarias at St Bartholomew’s (Contact Mr Dickson or Service Coordinator Owen Page for more information)
  • January 2 – *Mandatory* Christmas tree collection fundraiser.
  • January 8-10 – Klondike Derby in Idyllwild. If we’re lucky we’ll have snow, but we’ll have fun regardless. *Sign up now – space is  limited!*
  • Summer Camp 2016 will be at Camp Chawanakee, on Shaver Lake in the Sierras. Watch for details coming soon!
  • High adventure – For stronger, older Scouts, your PLC is  planning a backpack trip later in the summer, and maybe even an excursion to Havasupai Falls in the Grand Canyon over spring break.

The activity schedule is always available on the Troop web site at

While you’re at it, spend some time surfing around the whole Troop website  There are pictures of you and lots of other useful information and links. Here’s a sample:

I’ll see you Monday at the Court of Honor-

Mr. Dickson